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Looking for CST tutorials on modelling wire antennas

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Hi everybody. I am a new user of CST software and I am interested in modeling antennas including wire antennas with a finite radius (thin wire antenna). Does CST have a user manual describing the step by step process of modeling such antennas? Does any one have any files that I can use to help me model my antenna systems? I really really appreciate any help that I can get. Thank you in advance.

What kind of antenna do you want to create? I could create a simple dipole for you that would be made from thin wires. I would just create them as thin cylinder. I don't know if that will do any problems with the mesh but it's easy to find out. Give me more information and I could help you.
There is a very good tutorial but that does not contain an antenna in free space. However, I just did the patch antenna tutorial and I was able to simulate all my antennas. MWS is very simple to use for most tasks. The more you play with it the more you learn.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write back to me. I am interested in modeling all kinds of antennas and in particular wire antennas. I was able to look at the example within CST on a dipole in free space and I can nearly follow that. However, what I am interested in is some kind of a manual that shows me step-by-step how they have gone about modeling this antenna. For example, I can see that they have drwan a rectangula box around the feed-point and have used the "subtraction" function at that point. I want to be able to read off a manual that explains how you take these steps and for what purpose. Specifically, why do you have to do that box? What should be the size of it? etc. If I can see a detailed description of this proble, then I can take that and model other systems that I am trying to analyze. Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon.


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