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首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > Simulation of the reflection coefficient of a Bowtie-Antenna (CST Studio Suite)

Simulation of the reflection coefficient of a Bowtie-Antenna (CST Studio Suite)

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I have a question about an antenna simulation with CST Studio Suite. I have a Bowtie-Antenna, which is fed by a balun and a coaxial cable.

I want to simulate the reflection coefficient of this antenna with CST with a differential feeding. Now my problem is, that I do not know which way of designing the antenna is the right one. I have tried two options:





On the pictures you can see the different way of differential feeding I tried and the resulting reflection coefficient.
Which one is the right way to simulate the bowtie-Antenna?
The next picture shows the measured reflection coefficient of the real antenna:

The reflection coefficient of the first option looks more like the measured results, but I am not sure, whether the design of the antenna is really correct.

Can anyone tell me, which antenna design is the correct one?


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下一篇:Which CST template should I use for a simple microstrip?

