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port design problem using CST MWS

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i have a slot-loaded microstrip antenna shown in attachment.it fed by a microstirp line feed.i think i have to define a waveguideport.but i can't do this.i looked tutorial pages but it told the coaxial feed port.what can i do?where i define the port;next to the feed line? is it same with coaxialfeed?

Can you upload your structure image for a close view ?
For a microstrip line feeding, a waveguide port is usually used!
I am dealing with waveguide port problem in my project!
Hope to help you!

First, a reference antenna (RA) i.e., a rectangular
microstrip antenna having a size (L, W)
(11.33,15.24)mm [5] fed by a 50Q center fed microstrip
line feed having dimension (Lf5o, Wf5o)
(6.187,3.060)mm through a quarter wave transformer of
size (Lt,Wt) = (4.922,0.500)mm was designed for the
operating frequency 6 GHz (c, = 4.4 and h = 1.6 mm) for
TMIo mode [6] as shown in Fig. l(a). Here the
microstrip line feed is used to excite the patch as the
planar feed makes the structure suitable for integration
with associated microwave circuitry. Later two parallel
narrow rectangular slots were etched in the rectangular
patch close to the radiating edge with a spacing S = 0.5mm. The length of the slot, Ls, = 14.24mm and
slot width Ws, = 1mm.
This slot-loaded rectangular patch is in turn
meandered using three identical narrow slots embedded
in the antenna's groundplane and aligned with an equal
spacing of L/4 parallel to the rectangular patch radiating
edge as shown in Fig. l(b). These embedded slots are
narrow (Ws = 1 mm) and have a length of Ls+L0 Ls and
Lo are, respectively, the slot lengths inside and outside
the projection image of the radiating patch in the ground
plane [3]. The slot length Lo for the prototypes is fixed to
be 8mm where as the slot length Ls was varied from 7 to
14 mm with the interval of 5mm and studied in detail.


上一篇:How to assign a short point (ideal ground) in CST transient
下一篇:Can CST MWS 2006 Work on Core Duo?

