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首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > [Tutorial] Construct a 50 Ohm Coaxial Connector in CST MWS

[Tutorial] Construct a 50 Ohm Coaxial Connector in CST MWS

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The easiest method to make a coaxial connector in CST MWS:

Diameter parameters depend on the model number of connector. Following values are for a female edge mount connector.
1. Draw a cylinder with Outer radius of 0.4mm and inner radius 0mm with PEC as material.
2. Draw second cylinder with outer radius 1.2mm and inner radius 0.4mm having Teflon with permitivity 2.2.
3. Draw a third cylinder with outer radius 1.5mm and inner radius 1.2mm wt PEC as material.
Thickness of PEC can be between 0.1-0.2mm.

4.Optional step: To make a square block around the cylinders.
Make a rectangular brick around the cylinders and subtract each cylinder from the brick.

5. Use a waveguide port to exite the connector by selecting the face of second cylinder (teflon).

6. Remember to connect PEC material of cylinders to the ground or feed of the designed antenna.
The designed connector is shown below.



上一篇:small dipole antenna simulation using CST microwave studio
下一篇:dispersion curve in cst

