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CST MW MASH problem for 2 THz problm

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hi friends

i am new user of cst mw studio
i want to simulate the design of dichrohic filter. this design basic information is given in official web site of CST
web page link is here " https://www.cst.com/Applications/Art...ichroic-Filter "

while i am simulate it in frequency domain solver i am finding an mash error and simulation is stop
i want to analysis S21 and S11 parameter

please help me how to solve this

thank you

From the article, it said "When simulating such structures, there is no need to simulate the whole array of unit cells, which would be time and memory consuming. Instead it is advantageous to simulate a single unit cell and use adequate boundary conditions."
Mesh problem may be caused by a lot of meshes, that is related with your CST hardware, what is your config of HW?
Did you follow the article setting?
Could you upload your CST?

When you do time or frequency solver, I recommend you to click on the adaptive mesh. Mesh analysis is critical for your design, so doing adaptive is good choice.
Try frequency solver using adaptive mesh once, and let us know if it solves or not!

Hello dear,

Thnx for your help dear tony_lth

i am do all that thing but i get a result finally after changing an solver from frequency to transient solver then i get a result

thank you

Hello dear,

Thnx for your help dear curiouscase

i have a not enough knowledge for a mesh, can u plz suggest me a martial link for mesh knowledge .
and ur information is use full me in solving other problem so thnx for that

thank you


上一篇:MONOSTATIC RCS problem in CST
下一篇:hfss cst

