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CST spiral inductor help

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I am new to CST and facing lot of difficulties. I am trying to make a spiral inductor but whenever I am simulating I am getting the error "port 1 is inhomogeneously filled within the first three mesh cells. Cannot start solver."
I am also getting the warning "the first mode at inhomogeneous port two is hybrid.This could lead to an inaccurate energy balance. Plz check your structure."
! more warning is there, "Internal waveguide port 1 touches open boundary. This may lead to inaccurate results, plz check your model."
I am also enclosing the structure that I have simulated. Help urgently needed.

You must change your structure. Before port you must have "homogenously filled", that means: before port you must have regular structure, for example rectangular parallelepiped or circle etc. no slippery slope etc.

Hee? can you tell me:

Your frequency is 0.1 - 2 GHz and your structure have diameter about 300 um ? (micrometer) ? I think, that is no good idea :)

So a think, that: Solve - units change um to mm, i think, that will be good ;)

I have also attatched the file in the zipped format.Plz chk it

This is the most frequent error i get too. Go to Mesh->Mesh Properties and increase the mesh line ratio limit, as well as raise the lines per wavelength.
This should help.
Im running at 26 lines/wavelength and 7 mesh line ratio


上一篇:Simulation of CFRP in CST MWS
下一篇:CST Current distribution

