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Design dual band microstrip antenna in CST microwave Studio

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anyone who can help me how to design a dual band microstrp patch antenna. what are the necesarry steps which i should do. what formulas should be considered and the dimensions calculation.

It should be in 2x array form. First, i think you should design the antennas individually according to your desired frequency and then combine them both using a power divider.
You can refer to Balanis book or any other microstrip patch antenna books for further research on microstrip patches and on how to design them.
Maybe these links could help you


All the best

Positron89 thank you so much i will surely check these documents, but i want to acheive this dual band with the help of slots in the patch? do u have any information about this?

Previously I managed to get dual frequency on a single patch by experimenting with random slots on the patch itself. I could share some links where the researcher actually manage to achieve dual frequencies using multiple slots.

"Elliptical Shaped Antenna With Parasitic Superstrate" -IEEE Paper
"The Effects of Parasitic Superstrate Elliptical Shaped Antenna without Dots Element" -IEEE Paper

All the best

Thank you so much....
I also tried some random slots but is there any formula through which we make slots of some specific dimension to get the desired resonant frequencies?

I'm not sure of whether there are any particular formulas for slots designing. Slots such as v-slot and etc probably has specific formula especially in terms of bandwidth enhancements for the patch. For resonant frequencies, as far as I know we usually go for the size of the patch. What are the resonant frequencies are you going for ?

i would like the antenna to resonate at 1.8ghz and 2.4ghz

I see..
If slots are the only option for your design, I suggest that you could post a new thread on the topic regarding on dual frequencies slots for the antenna. It may get more responses.

All the best

Thank you so much

- - - Updated - - -

Thank you so much


上一篇:How to feed PIFA antenna using CST Microwave Studio
下一篇:microstip ultra wide band antenna desinge uising CST

