• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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cst student version

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Please ignore, if I post this in a wrong place ... I'm so sorry for that ..:(

I'm 3rd year student, I'd like to learn and try the CST microwavestudio so much but have no access to this software..

CST company doesn't provides its trial software to student but institution only :( ...

Can anybody tell me where I can download a trial version of this software ?

Your help will be greatly appreciated .

Thanks in advanced for your time and help,


Please Help ... anybody ?

Time ago My university gets an evar version.... for me. So if is interesting for university, some teacher can ask it for you. And furtanely now we have a license there and I can use it (when is not bussy)

You can try contact CST and if it's for a publication or final degree proyect, maybe the decide to send you a eval version.

Good luck


yeah! I saw many conference papers where authors thanks to CST for borrowing their product for scientific purposes..


Hi Bro(Sis?) Tapa & Eirp,

Thank you for your promt reply,
I appreciate that very much ...

I'll follow your indications

My teacher refused to do that ! :( ...
Nevertheless, I'll try beg CST by myself ...
Hopefully, that they have a scientific heart ...:spoko: ... not the eyes of SSSS ... :shii: :not: hihi ...


Failed to receive any help from CST,
I'm giving up by now ....

Can any Guru out there give me a hand ?



上一篇:Send the matlab based model to HFSS or CST
下一篇:CPW feeding in CST Microwave Studio

