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首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > who have cst studio suite 2006 experience?

who have cst studio suite 2006 experience?

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hi all,i have problem in my antenna simulation,the system unstable(s11 not exceed -0.00001 db) ,so any person who have cst studio suite experience contact me

Hi abdoeng

Can you explain your design a little bit more or upload your circuit file?


hi mr ghz,thanks first,i simulate wide slot antenna,i define all element and band and meshing,port,boundry,when i start simulation,there is no signal propagation,here the file
pls ghz reply me so i can try the simulation

Hi abdoeng

I simulated the design you posted. There occured no problem, I attached you the simulated timedomain and S11.

I guess that the problem you have is one of the following:
- You have a license-file with enabled multiprocessor-support, but your machine only has 1 CPU. In this case CST sometimes causes problems (dielectrics are shortened). The solution is to go to 'Transient Solver / Specials / Solver' and to uncheck 'Use parallelization up to xxx CPU's'

- Try to lower the frequency-range for simulation. Instead simulating 2-20GHz in one pass, you could split it in 2 or more passes and combine the results. (Anyway: I simulated it in one pass)



上一篇:CST quesion (efficiency and radiated power)
下一篇:How to make Metal Side walls of a Square slot in CST?

