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首页 > CST > CST使用问答 > How to design a sma connector in CST with 50 ohm impedance matching ?

How to design a sma connector in CST with 50 ohm impedance matching ?

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can you please tell me how to design a sma connector in cst with 50 ohm impedence matching and the specifications to be followed for inserting wave guide port.

can you tell me, what is your aplication ? Becauseit is usualy only metaltube, in the center is teflon and central wire. In attachment very quickly drawn picture.

hi there

well there is built in calculator within CST which you can use to find the dimensions of coax port for the desired input impedance.

then you need to select the substrate face and assign waveguide port to it

i hope it helps


thanx for your help.................

but can you help me to calculate the required input impedence for u-slot patch antenna ?

can i use cst for that?


well yes you can use cst to calculate the input impedance of your u slot patch antenna.

after simulation just go to the results in the menu bar . there you will find S- parameter calculations and inside its menu you will find calculate Z and Y matrices

which are your required quantities

i hope this helps


it really worked thanks for your help............

i have achieved better return loss......


you can try matching in the attachment for example But the proportions you must find experimentaly.... . Power strip have 50 Ohm (CST: Macros - Calculate - Calculate analytical Line Impedance - Thick Microstrip) and on the end is your SMA.
Try find about it for example in books.google.com......

I hope, that I helped you

For example, it is about this picture


Ouu, sorry, you have U-SLOT patch antenna.... so maybe there is only inspiration

Just one question, why do you want to make SMA connector in CST when you can assign port of impedance 50 ohm?
Do you want to SMA connector as a product ?

Because this topic have name "sma connector in cst" :D . But yes, of course you do not must make it..... only if the structure requires it.

Actually he is saying
If you really want to make it,
Search in google for dimension of SMA conenctor & try to implement it.
I think there was one post on this forum 1 or 2 year back, the person has uploaded the file for SMA connector.
I think that it was designed in Vector field concerto..


上一篇:simulating a patch antenna without ground plane in CST
下一篇:Feeding (microstrip and coax) design problem. (CST 2011)

