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Freq. domain analysis in CST

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Is there any special settings for frequency domain analysis in CST. I tried the example for antenna and it is ok.
I'm trying to do that for higher frequncies but is seems CST hang and close the application !
Any hint ?


by FEM.
for resonator,or high Q circuite,it is suggested to use the frequency domain,for lossless it is best to choice mode analysis.

ok, got it.

So, is there any way to check the gain of an antenna against frequency ? or it is not possible in CST ?


You can set up a post processing template to pull out the directivity as a function of frequency, it's a 1D template.


I think this template will work if you already have the calculation of all the far field results for all frequencies, right ?
It is not calculating the gain for the whole band itself. I'll try as well.


Ah, apologies I misunderstood. You're correct I think in that you need to have defined far-field outputs at a range of frequencies before you run the template. There is not another way as far as I know since the directivity has to be calculated from the ff transform.

Unless someone else knows different?


Yes, that's what I expect. Do you know if HFSS can do it as the numerical approach is different ?


As far as I know the process would be the same, i.e. you would have to use an equivalent surface to calculate the far field and therefore the directivity. This would mean a very intensive computation for HFSS, also I'm not sure the fast frequency sweep could be used.

I haven't used HFSS for a long time since I discovered CST so it might be different now (but knowing Ansoft I don't expect it to have put too much effort into it!)

This is very helpful.


Can somebody please explain in detail, how exactly I can plot Directivity (or Gain) versus Frequency in the CST (2008)?

I have farfield results at 30, 40, ... 100GHz. So how do I get D vs f? I don't want to mess up my 40-hour long simulation results because of wrong clicking...


上一篇:HELP How calculate even and odd mode impedances in CST
下一篇:CST MWS re-simulation with higher accuracy

