• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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need help for design circulator with cst microwave studio

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i am trying to design a circulator in cst
circulator will work at 5.6 ghz
could you help me how can i do this
i have just started to learn cst so i am new at it
i am looking forward to answers


In CST Help try search "circulator" ;) - it is example.

thanks but it didn't help me
i am trying to design a microstrip circulator and i will use discrete ports
there are some examples and i have some tutorials about waveguide ports, not discrete ports :/

Why you are use discrete ports? On microstrip you can use waveguide ports. Have some special reason?

yes, i will compare this ports firstly and i need to deside which one has the best result. On the other hand waveguide ports are generally used for waveguide circulator, i am trying to design microstrip.
it seems a boundary criteria problem for now, i am working on it

I want to design about circulatro microstrip Please help


上一篇:modelling of infinite dielectric half-space in CST
下一篇:[CST MWS] How to Find input impedance of schottky diodes via simulation

