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Wrap around microstrip antenna CST

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I have been looking for a way of simulating in CST a patch antenna wrap around a cylinder but I have not been able to find the way to do it. I already have a patch antenna in a planar surface but now I do not know how to wrap it around a cylinder of a given radius.
Is there any way to do it in CST?
Does anyone have an example of such model?

Thank you very much for your answers.
Hoping to get them soon :)



You have already designed the microstrip dont you?
In any case the easiest way is, buid your ground plane with the desired height (t), then with the local coordinate WCS, move the local coordinate -(r+t) , and now with local coordinate in (0,0) build your cylinder, your ground plane is going to be attached in the cylinder. You cannot bend a plane with thicknes (t) it should be a bend sheet, so object->face healing tools->shape from picked faces, then take the bend sheet and bend it in the cylinder. As the sheet will be bending in the cylinder you hav to give teh thickness again, objects->shell solid or thicken sheet-> give your thickness(t).
Your ground plane is bending in a cylinder, then the prosedure is the same for substrate and so on.

I hope this help you.

Hello lila035,

Thank you so much for your help. This procedure you explained is to be done in CST 2008 or 2009 version. I'm ok with everything up until when you say "take the bend sheet and bend it in the cylinder", is there any instruction/button to do so? i haven't been able to find it and i do not know hoy to bend the sheet into the cylinder.

In any case thank you so much for you anwer!

Hello again,

I switched from CST 2008 to CST 2009 and solved the "sheet bend" problem when creating a shape. Now the problem comes when I want to use the transient solver. I am using a discrete port and it says something like "hexahedral mesher terminated abnormally".

Could anyone help me about that?

thank you!


If you have still problem with mesh stop abnormally , send me the file to have a look to the port!


to anyone that know CST EDA tool on bending technique...
i'm stuck in the bending of flex. previously when i import my flex file, i cannot bend certain layer till to the error "simplify or heal the geometry". but, now i solved it by untick the geometry line when i import my ODB++ file, and another problem that should not be problem occur. attached is the problem i face. when i want to change from 3D to 2D by using pick face, certain area is not pick finish. any solution? thanks.

look at the end of it

Easy Design Flow for a Cylindrical Patch Antenna Array

dear plasma, the link you show me is a good 1. but, my main concern now is how i wanna pick all the faces without left-over some faces in dark shadow? after i obtain a correct pick face then only i can start bending.

Dear bryanpcl
I think you have two layers in the same place try to export import gdsii format.

Err... now i tried with different setting and it seems working. this picture is when i import, i uncheck the (line geometry). now i tried to import as 2D and set the measurement unit to 0.05mili. tomorrow i will tried again and hopefully it work!

hi Plasma.

first of all, thanks for the help. i got a new setting of importing from CST Local Support and it works!

hi, i done simulation and the graph i get is a bit weird. Plasma, you know how to define for me?

I have same error "hexahedral mesher"
did you solve your ploblem?
can you help me?

guys! I think this project may help you:

Conformal Antenna Arrays for 3G Cellular Base Stations


上一篇:Waveguide array Simulation with CST
下一篇:breast tumor detection using cst

