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CST STUDIO SUITE 2012 Service Pack 2 已发布(2012-03-31)

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CST STUDIO SUITE 2012 Service Pack 2 (SP2) 2012年3月31日发布。
Service Pack 2012.02
General / Environment
DXF and GDSII have a new import option to set the etch factor for layers. New Feature!
Changed start behavior of CMA-ES optimizer by centering the Gauss distribution around the anchor value. New Feature!
Mecadtron import with lumped elements now recognizes values for 4u7 and 1K.
Fixed bug in calculation of time domain sensivity analysis when material is defined in a sub folder.
Repaired logscale color ramp clamping.
Fixed adding curve markers via curve marker dialog.
Improved behavior during intersection check.
The second last global mesh properties setting is no longer overwritten if executed consecutively .
All context menu entries for 'Ports' are now also shown for problem type 'Particle'.
Moving curves does not always invalidate the results anymore.
Corrected intersection check detection for extrudes created by a single picked face.
Repaired evaluate field along curve for strain/stress tensor components.
When importing multiple files then the failed imports are shown after the import process.
CMA Evolution Strategy optimizer algorithm now has the option Include anchor in initial point set. New Feature!
Added an option to the parameter view to delete expressions from the filter combo box. New Feature!
Import of Autodesk Inventor assembly files is now available. New Feature!
Import Mecadtron element as lumped element even no value is set.
Voxel import option Copy file to project is not related to CST Voxel Family license key anymore.
Enabled Reset View to Selection for the Layout View.
Fixed print and print preview for field and mesh view.
Fixed for interactive evaluate field on curve problem on some systems.
Field line ASCII export. New Feature!
Various improvements for the field visualization.
EDA Import
Repaired issue with missing shapes because of a failed shape-sense determination.
Mentor Expedition import: Fixed issue because of broken shape.
PADs-Import: corrected partdecal mapping.
Cadence CST-Link: fixed wirebond profile export if " " in cst_home path, fixed run extracta if "!" first or last symbol in export path.
Soldermasks do not intrude outer conductor layers anymore, soldermasks don't get hex-mesh fixpoints.
Even for 2D etch creation import the die bumps as 3D.
Introduced Prefer vertical ports as option for automatic port creation. New Feature!
Fixed proper port creation while importing to local coordinate system.
Zuken import: added oval drills.
Zuken import: fixed crash because of multiple padstacks for one pin.
PADs-Import: added copcut imports for partdeckal shapes, corrected reading of corner for rounded pads.
Cadence-Import: Improved import warnings for better understanding.
Repaired issue of import dialog box if the design does not have a board outline.
Distributed Computing (DC)
Particle preview monitor data is now also transferred for intermediate 3D result updates.
Removed race condition while transferring data from Solver Server to Main Controller which causes a recalculation of the job.
Fixed issue where it can happen that a solver run did not yield any results.
Hexhedral (Hex) Mesh
Fixed wrong progress bar update for 3rd order curvature calculation.Fixed detection of staircase based cells in case of non-parallelized matrix calculation, e.g. for Windows XP systems.
Fixed handling of discrete face ports for HEX-FD solvers during matrix calculation.
Repaired matrix coefficient calculation for subgrids.
Fixed wrong visualization of shape outlines.
Tetrahedral (Tet) Mesh
Fixed wrong progress bar update for 3rd order curvature calculation.
Fixed error in GPU setup of farfield monitors.
The mesh is no more invalidated and deleted when a new farfield monitor is created without using a subvolume, so that the F or I solver run can be continued to recalculate the monitor only.
Farfield monitors beyond the highest frequency in the given frequency range were not disabled before the solver run.
Combine results for single monitors via Template Based Postprocessing. New Feature!
Fixed error in setup of farfield monitors on GPU.
Fixed error in GPU setup in case of subcycled lossy metal components.
Allow more than 2.147e9 number of TLM mesh cells. New Feature!
Abort of farfield calculation for T! and F! repaired.
Combine results problem with special label format fixed.
Improve error handling for Tetrahedral Eigenmode and Fast Resonant Solver.
DS farfield efficiencies available in <1D Results> folder.
3D farfields are now properly centered by resetting the plot.
Do not display farfield efficiencies when stimulated power is not available.
Project length units squared available as RCS scaling.
Improved warning message on field source (*.nfd) import.
Fixed incorrect duration of broadband phase signal with plane wave and simultaneous excitation.
Generalized port mode solver: Activated fall back to normal port mode solver at unshielded ports.
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Frequency Domain (FD) Solvers
With remote postprocessing enabled for the solver server, distributed sampling with the Tet-FD solver stopped after the remote adaptive mesh refinement.
Fast resonant TET based solver supports infinitely thin wires, conducting walls and single ended ports.
The result of the evaluation of tensor formula materials is now checked, namely an error message is displayed if it is no valid or no finite number.
Floquet modes are now stored and visualized also with curved tetrahedral mesh.
With three or more automatically chosen mesh adaptation sample, the Tet-FD solver did display an error concerning an inconsistent number of S-parameters.
The periodic waveguide port mode solver with hexahedral mesh and constant scan angle did not consider the background material properties during the frequency sweep.
The information for the visualization of S-parameters was not written correctly if a monitor was defined beyond the maximum frequency of the sampling intervals.
Corrected scaling in Tet-E loss export.
Enable plotting of eiqenfrequencies vs. adaptive passes for Tet-E. New Feature!
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Integral Equation Solver
The MLFMM-MPI parallelization behaviour has been adapted for small components. New Feature!
M-Solver: Fixed problem with port de-embedding and MPI.
Direct solver supports GPU acceleration for local and distributed computing. New Feature!
Fixed automatic port backing problem.
Fixed potential performance problem for mesh file writing.
Fixed problem in internal port numbering.
Fixed problem of port mesh creation when previous F-Solver run used curved elements.
Fixed merging of 1D results for DC.
Improve radiated power calculation.
The information for the visualization of S-parameters was not written correctly if a monitor was defined beyond the maximum frequency of the sampling intervals.
Corrected inaccurate Es Tet charge computation.
PIC monitors calculate from now on energies always correctly, a problem occurred in case of GPU and nonelectrons.
T-Solver Co-Simulation: fixed artificial charges in between cable segments.
Model valid up to frequency is checking before starting the modeling process.
T-Solver Co-Simulation: improved choice of time integrator.
Co-Simulation: Fixed that thin panel material was not treated as a ground.
Consider shape type for DC resistance and skin effect start frequency calculation.
2DTL: Fixed parse error message in DS in case of legacy via model and zero via drill diameter.
Fixed PI-Solver problem for out-of-board geometries, increased solver performance by removing degrees of freedom outside board outline.
Adaptive smoothing to avoid errors with very fine structures.
Rpaired inconsistent visualization of shapes on changing layer visibility.
Fixed visualization of some special violations in CST BOARDCHECK violation viewer.
On closing the CST BOARDCHECK dialog the "Unhide all" command is performed.
Displaying of differential voltages in SITD workflow . New Feature!
RLC and CComp is considered in simple pulse models in SITD workflow.
EDA import: Fixed that padstack sleeve value was not set and default value was too small.
2DTL: Fixed that 'Consider Pad Shapes' results in overlaps.
Fixed that overlap check does not detect via overlapping.
Consider shape type for DC resistance and skin effect start frequency calculation.
Considering sub models of type dynamic clamp in IBIS models.
Fixed incorrect warning concerning missing solver selection when creating a DS simulation project.
Fixed template "Extract SQL database into ASCII files".
Repaired issue in select curves dialog.
Implement log file output during transient co-simulation.
Transient co-simulation: Restrict precomputed frequency range if MOR/IFT relies on extrapolation.
Transient co-simulation: Show MOR/IFT results in tree if requested.
Improve node positioning for more than two connected nodes
Speed up 3D layout export of microstrip and stripline blocks.
Add online help for GND loss parameters of microstrip and stripline blocks.
Terminate the modeler process correctly if it did not start successfully.
Fixed interpolation of transmission line data for generalized transmission line block.
Improve out of memory handling for simulations with many time steps or frequency samples.
Fixed spikes in calculated group delay for amplifier task.
Fixed incorrectly set model/result folders for Copy/Paste of blocks.
Fixed instability restart in Cable Studio co-simulation.
Fixed logical error in fallback solver selection.
Avoid possible crash when reading large peec models into a file block.
Handling of model selectors in IBISImportBlock New Feature!
Fixed parameter evaluation problem in templates below a parameter sweep or optimizer task.
Remove 12 GHz frequency limit for analytical model of microstrip curved bend block.
Fixed manual DS<->MWS parameter synchronization using the parameter block property page or via VBA.
Automatically created reference blocks after copying a block into a different schematic do not get additional parameters anymore.
Do not show templates below optimization and parameter sweep tasks in the goal definition dialog of the standalone optimizer.
Fixed data inconsistency after SAM based optimizations.
Improved performance when the cached run IDs are written to disk after DS parameter sweep or optimization.
Fixed multiple VBA interface functions for the DS optimizer.
Fixed error when duplicating optimizer task.
Turned on automatic layout feature for simulation project creation. New Feature!
Fixed incorrect name checking in simulation project creation dialog box.
Added quick simulation project creation feature for simplification of e.g. microstrip workflows. New Feature!
Improved GUI locking during simulation project creation.
Considering sub models of type dynamic clamp in IBIS models.
Result Templates / VBA / Macros / External Data Access
Fixed HAC template for the new field viewer.
Repaired batch processing for VBA script files.
New macro to convert S-Parameter Tables to MDIF: Macros > Results > Import and Export > Export MDIF File (for AWR and ADS). New Feature!
S-Parameter Result template offers new option Result Type to store S-dB data directly. New Feature!
Enhanced functionality for Macro Plot I-Solver Result on 2D Plane (stepsize control, preview button, etc) New Feature!






Download: CST_STUDIO_SUITE_2012_Latest_SP.zip (SP2, 31-Mar-2012)


MD5: 9C80148BB31CA5B70A90389863F92271




Fixed incorrect duration of broadband phase signal with plane wave and simultaneous excitation



■To check in more detail, please download the CST2012-MD5-Checksums Tool, which contains a PDF with all md5-checksums and the md5-checking program “md5sums.exe”.






上一篇:请问一下在CST MWS如何检测PCB板的EMC
下一篇:请问CST 2011可以在WINDOWS SERVER 2008 R2上安装嘛?

