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CST STUDIO SUITE 2012 Service Pack 3 发布

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CST 2012 SP3 5月14日发布。
Service Pack 2012.03
General / Environment
 Repaired bug in DXF export when writing circles.
 Used single point instead of a range in the goal definition function for the optimizer in case the range gets too small.
 Activated phase plots for the default field view engine.
 Improved backward compatibility feature for antenna magus projects.
 Corrected wrong behavior during simulation project creation directly after a project save as.
 Corrected seldom error during sub-project import in combination with mesh groups.
 Improved performance of parameter view.
 Fixed problem that command is executed twice when clicking on a hyperlink.
 HFSS import now replaces invalid material values by 1 if they cannot be converted and reports the replacements to the user.
 Fixed ASCII export for 2D field monitor.
 Made rendering of Voxel data imports compatible to more graphic cards.
 History list update failed due to mesh groups.
 Fixed bug where solids disappeared from mesh group when removing local mesh refinement.
 Improved stability during material setup.
EDA Import
 Mentor Expedition import: Changed error messages to warnings if non-critical.
 Cadence import: Fixed materials properties if different materials share same name.
 Cadence import: PCB conversion will not stop in case missing logical node info at wirebond.
 ODB++ import: Replaced non-critical error by warning.
 Top/bottom etch layers are always filled from below/above (respectively) by the adjacent dielectric.
 Repaired GUI function in wirebond separation factor.
 Cadence import: Corrected reading of FLIP-CHIP property.
 Mentor Expedition import: fixed problem with upper/lower case sensitivity in padstack name.
 Cadence import: fixed missing of die pads in certain cases.
 ODB++ import: fixed reading of layer thicknesses.
 Mentor Expedition import: Added pad shape of type corner rectangle.
 Improved Zuken import: Added layer thicknesses and component values.
 Fixed merging of excitation information for distributed calculation of excitations.
 Use system values for the farfield source export when available.
 Farfields from 2011 projects remain unchanged when farfield phase center calculation is active:
 Loading of farfield monitor files under Linux made locale-independent.
Farfield plot legend labels fixed.
 Improved performance and stability for fitted dispersive magnetic materials.
 TLM mesh: Added GPU support for single layer thin films and coated metals. New Feature!
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Frequency Domain (FD) Solvers
 With accelerated recalculation activated in the solver specials, the general purpose solver sometimes did not switch to the out-of-core mode even in low memory situations.
 The tetrahedral solver sometimes terminated abnormally when the PML was used.
 Improved handling of non-manifold model edges near lossy metal solids.
 The optimizer did not recognize the solver type in some cases when using the general purpose solver with adaptation.
 Fixed wrong values for relative eigenvalue differences in adaptation loop.
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO - Integral Equation Solver
 Repaired problem for radiated power calculation for discrete edge port placed in dielectric material.
 Fixed error before starting distributed frequency simulation.
 Fixed bad settings dialog box layout on some Asian systems.
 Fixed error in modification and copying of slot positions.
 Particle Library: Rename and Delete functionality is repaired.
 New secondary electron emission models Vaughan and Import are available for the CPU solver.
 Bi-directional Co-simulation model is not rejected with electric/magnetic walls anymore.
 Accelerated PEEC terminal grouping.
 Repaired issue that the result of a symmetric setup was a little bit asymmetric.
 Shielded cables: Bug fixed that wrong transfer parameters were used in rare cases.
 Enhanced Kley coax shield definition.
 Further improved stability in the Co-simulation.
 Too many nets were selected in the IR Drop analysis.
 Fixed bug with units visibility in status bar in some cases.
 Fixed bug with net highlighting on changing net class.
 Repaired via selection.
 No Nets view mode in Results2D viewer if there is no geometry of type net.
 The max. line length of a VBA macro is considered now.
 Bug in triangulation of PEEC mesh fixed.
 Package design import: Fixed problems with BGA layer by removing this kind of layer during import.
 Do not delete simulation projects when running a direct workflow.
 Value at cursor feature added to the 2D results viewer. New Feature!
 Fixed creation of tasks that are nested more than two levels via VBA.
 Increased speed of writing cached run IDs to database after DS optimizer and parameter sweep.
 Resolved threading issue in DS optimizer VBA interface.
 Improved accuracy when calculating system antenna values for combine results increased.
 Performance problem with IBIS-Blocks resolved.
 Prevented crash in case of opening a project in an open sheet while a block is still selected.
 Combine results label now works correctly for nested tasks.
 Problem in combine results for incomplete MWS-S-Matrix resolved.
 Fixed rare simulation problem with current-controlled sources.
 Fixed problem with nested optimization and parameter sweep and DS sub blocks.
 Fixed problem with cloning an ideal coupled transmission line block.
 Do not show parameters with a constant, but non-numeric value like CLight/1e6 in the property page of parameterized MWS blocks.
 Added Impulse signal. New Feature!
 Added a new main menu item for the Device Library.
Result Templates / VBA / Macros / External Data Access
 New macro to export S-Parameters to Synopsis Saber: Macros > Results > Import and Export > Export SParameters to Saber. New Feature!
 VBA expressions for parameters behave differently in MWS and DS.
 Added VBA function to initialize the optimizer parameter list for DS.
 Removed unnecessary dialog boxes for VBA field ASCII export.
 GetLast0DResult returned an outdated value in rare cases.




上一篇:CST MWS模型里面的尺寸参数要输入复杂公式怎么办呢?
下一篇:CST MWS如何在模型仿真完后在远场图中看极化情况

