• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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请教CST MWS中六面体的网格划分

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In general, hexahedral meshes do not conform to material jumps; please note that this is not necessary because CST provides the Perfect Boundary Approximation® (PBA) and the Thin Sheet Technology™ (TST) in combination with hexahedral meshes.
Question1:hexahedral meshes do not conform to material jumps 的意义是什么? 是在一个网格内不允许出现材料的跳变?还是指两个相邻网格不允许出现材料的跳变?
The Perfect Boundary Approximation® (PBA) is used for the spatial discretization of the structure. The simulated structure and the electromagnetic fields are mapped to a hexagonal mesh. PBA allows a very good approximation of even curved surfaces within the cubic mesh cells. This works very well as long as the approximated structure is greater than the cell size of the mesh.
For  PEC structures where details are lower than the method’s resolution, the Thin Sheet Technology™ (TST) enables more than one non-PEC region within a single cell.

However, if there are more than two PEC areas in one cell, or if there is one single PEC area that is completely inside of a mesh cell face, the entire critical face or cell must be filled with PEC material. These critical areas / critical cells are then visualised in the mesh view.
PBA和TST中提到的都是充填PEC的区域, 如果PEC用其他金属(比如Al)来替代, 是否同样成立?
还有, non-PEC areas 可以使任意材料? 还是特指背景材料?
再有, 帮助文件的图中给出的non-pec areas 是用PEC相互隔开的, 如果有这样一种材料:如 PEC+介质1+介质2 ,这种情况下也有两个non-PEC areas, 这时TST还是否有效?
仿真新人, 请大家指教


楼主说的第一段帮助文件是《Which Mesh to Use》,第二段帮助文件是《Advanced Mesh Strategies (Hexahedral)》。
第二个问题:PEC泛指金属材料(PEC、lossy metal等),non-PEC泛指非金属材料(normal)。超过两个非金属区域网格才会被填充。


我的模型是由3种材料薄层构成的结构. (金属+介质1+介质2)
看帮助文件中, 感觉是PEC到non-PEC 的跳变可用TST处理, 而non-pec到non-pec的跳变CST是没法分辨出来的。所以我在想与其用TST, 不如把每层材料都划分在不同网格里模拟, 这样应该更准确些吧?


“把每层材料都划分在不同网格里模拟, 这样应该更准确些吧?”,个人同意这种说法,不过正常情况下出现这种情况的时候必定是模型中非常精密的局部细节。可以想象,如果网格里已经包含了三种不同的材料,而且没有将某些材料对应的结构取消fixpoint的话,这个局部细节的尺寸大小已经远小于已划分的最小网格尺寸。

Advanced Topic里的Simulation Method只是算法的简介,真正的算法请搜索相关的学术文章。




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