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SAR Calculation Problems

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I simulated a PIFA antenna in a tissue and obtain the following results but now,thess are my question :
    I'm not familar with IEEEC95.3 standar,dose my 1-g SAR result satisfy this standard?Which SAR calculations is important :Maximum SAR or average SAR?

    SARCalculation Results

    Powerlossdensity monitor used: loss (f=320) [1] at 320 MHz
    StimulatedPower [W] (peak): 1
    StimulatedPower [W] (rms): 0.5
    Averagecell mass [g]:  0.000806696
    Averagingmethod: IEEE C95.3
    Averagingmass [g]: 1


    Min(x,y,z) [mm]: -50, -12, -50
    Max(x,y,z) [mm]: 50, 38, 50
    Volume[mm^3]: 500000
    Absorbedpower (rms) [W]: 0.000171709
    Tissuevolume [mm^3]: 492320
    Tissuemass [kg]: 0.49232
    Tissuepower (rms) [W]: 0.000171709
    Averagepower (rms) [W/mm^3]: 3.48776e-010
    TotalSAR (rms) [W/kg]: 0.000348776
    Max.point SAR (rms) [W/kg]: 1.13978

    Maximum SAR (rms,1g)[W/kg]: 0.0464041
    Maximumat (x,y,z) [mm]: -3.75, 4.6,16.2013
    Avg.vol.min(x,y,z) [mm]: -9.62584, -1.27584,10.3255
    Avg.vol.max(x,y,z) [mm]: 2.12584, 10.4758,22.0771


    Hi, 1g Average SAR is more important than unaveraged SAR.
    1) Thermal effect is related to 1g average.
    2) There is singularity from numerical simulation. So the peak SAR point is not necessarily worst heating location.


上一篇:怎么从CST MWS的E-field的总场中得到散射场
下一篇:求助CST MWS面天线的画法

