- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
CST练习1-Packing More Antenna into Available Space
Wireless applications, particularly with
multiple resonances, put new demands
on antennas pertaining to size, gain,
efficiency, bandwidth, and more. One promising
approach in this regard is to use fractal geometries
to find the best distribution of currents
within a volume to meet a particular design
goal. Within this world of complex geometries,
engineers need the most efficient method using
the most effective tool.
from Computer Simulation Technology is a timedomain
tool capable of analyzing broad-band
structures with multiple resonances. It was used
to study these fractal geometries using the
example of a Sierpinski Triangle Antenna. The
simulation demonstrated the ability of CST
MWS to match the measured response of this
broadband device in a single simulation, while
also providing control over complex geometry
construction with the built-in VBA macro editor.